Mekke döneminde inmiştir. 49 âyettir. Sûre, adını birinci âyette geçen “et-Tûr” kelimesinden almıştır. Tûr, dağ demektir. Burada Hz. Mûsâ’ya ilk vahyin geldiği, Sina Yarımadası’nın güneyindeki Sina dağı kastedilmektedir. Sûrede başlıca, ahiret hâlleri, kâfirlerin karşılaşacakları ceza, mü’minlerin mükâfatları konu edilmekte ve müşriklerin Hz. Peygamber hakkındaki batıl iddiaları reddedilmektedir.
"Burn ye therein: the same is it to you whether ye bear it with patience, or not: Ye but receive the recompense of your (own) deeds."Mealleri KıyaslaSayfada Göster
Enjoying the (Bliss) which their Lord hath bestowed on them, and their Lord shall deliver them from the Penalty of the Fire.Mealleri KıyaslaSayfada Göster
They will recline (with ease) on Thrones (of dignity) arranged in ranks; and We shall join them to Companions, with beautiful big and lustrous eyes.Mealleri KıyaslaSayfada Göster
And those who believe and whose families follow them in Faith,- to them shall We join their families: Nor shall We deprive them (of the fruit) of aught of their works: (Yet) is each individual in pledge for his deeds.Mealleri KıyaslaSayfada Göster
Therefore proclaim thou the praises (of thy Lord): for by the Grace of thy Lord, thou art no (vulgar) soothsayer, nor art thou one possessed.Mealleri KıyaslaSayfada Göster
Or have they a ladder, by which they can (climb up to heaven and) listen (to its secrets)? Then let (such a) listener of theirs produce a manifest proof.Mealleri KıyaslaSayfada Göster
Now await in patience the command of thy Lord: for verily thou art in Our eyes: and celebrate the praises of thy Lord the while thou standest forth,Mealleri KıyaslaSayfada Göster